How Much Does Dust Collection System Downtime Cost Your Facility?
With our experience, design and application expertise we will help you:
• Create a Safer Work Environment
• Address Applicable Air Quality and Combustible Dust
Compliance Issues
• Keep Your Process Running by Eliminating Downtime Due to
Industrial Dust Collection System failures.
It is the mission of IndustriCorp to provide equipment that is best-in-technology, true industrial grade and designed to provide the best performance and life cycle costs.
From individual components including dust collectors, fans, blowers, ductwork, custom hoods, hoses and more to complete engineered systems, IndustriCorp can address your specific requirements.
- Nuisance and Process Dust Collection From 100 CFM and up to 250,000 CFM
- Industrial Explosion Protection
- Pneumatic Conveying Systems and Components
- Consultation